
Elevating explorer.exe

How to make elevation of explorer.exe possible Go to regedit.exe Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{CDCBCFCA-3CDC-436f-A4E2-0E02075250C2} Right-click on the key {CDCBCFCA-3CDC-436f-A4E2-0E02075250C2} Click on Permissions Click Advanced Edit the Owner Fill out your admin user and click OK Click Apply and OK Click Add Type your admin user and click OK Give your admin user Full Control, click Apply and OK Add a String…

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Debian, Home Server, Linux, Tech

Using SSH

What is SSH? SSH stands for Secure Shell. it is a cryptographic network protocol that provides secure remote access and control over a network. Installing SSH: sudo apt install openssh-server Activate the SSH-server: sudo systemctl start ssh Auto-start SSH-server on restart: sudo systemctl enable ssh Verify if SSH is running and will start automatically: sudo systemctl status ssh In the…

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Security, Tech, Windows

Recovering WiFi passwords in Windows

Microsoft has a CLI-tool available in Windows to configure and administer networking. The tool is called netsh.exe. Companies might want to disable the tool trough the Group Policy Editor, because users with administrative access might be able to access all SSID’s and their corresponding passwords. Write up: How to use netsh.exe to get a list of WiFi profiles on your…

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