Home Server, iPXE, Linux, Synology, Tech

Install Ubuntu via iPXE for UEFI

Install Ubuntu via iPXE for UEFI: Prerequisites: • iPXE • TFTP • NFS • DHCP Server First of all, let us download the needed ISO files for this project. Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.2 LTS Ubuntu 22.10 live server iPXE: iPXE can serve as a network boot server for both BIOS and UEFI systems. It’s open source, it can use many protocols…

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Security, Tech, Windows

Recovering WiFi passwords in Windows

Microsoft has a CLI-tool available in Windows to configure and administer networking. The tool is called netsh.exe. Companies might want to disable the tool trough the Group Policy Editor, because users with administrative access might be able to access all SSID’s and their corresponding passwords. Write up: How to use netsh.exe to get a list of WiFi profiles on your…

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